Dental Cleaning
Your pet’s pearly whites are more than just a charming smile; they’re a gateway to their overall health. Neglecting dental health can lead to unpleasant breath and tartar accumulation, escalating to serious health concerns. At Union Pet Hospital, we believe in a proactive approach to dental care. This includes a home-care regime and regular dental cleaning at our hospital.
How We Clean Your Pet’s Teeth
One of the key methods we use to monitor your pet’s oral health is through annual examinations. During each exam, we conduct a dental evaluation and will recommend a dental cleaning if we detect any signs of dental disease. Our teeth cleaning services necessitate general anesthesia to ensure your pet’s safety and to provide a comprehensive cleaning.
Dental Cleanings Involve:
- Digital dental X-rays to assess the health of the bone and roots beneath the gum line
- Ultrasonic and manual scaling to eliminate persistent tartar
- Polishing each tooth to smooth the enamel and minimize future tartar accumulation
- Extraction of teeth that are irreparably damaged
Our proactive approach to dental care aims to prevent disease and the need for extractions.
Dental Home Care
Brushing your pet’s teeth on a daily basis is the most effective way to prevent dental disease.
However, if you are unable to brush your pet’s teeth, other options include:
- Using a fingerbrush or gauze strip instead of a toothbrush
- Dental treats such as CET chews
- Food additives
- Prescription dental diets
Plan Ahead For Routine Surgery
Check out our Dental Cleaning Wellness Plan add-ons.