Pet Acupuncture

If your pet is in pain, we have methods that may be able to help them feel better.

Medical pet acupuncture is a therapeutic method that usually involves the insertion of sterile needles into your pet. Modern medical practitioners developed medical acupuncture as an adaptation to Chinese acupuncture.

Pet acupuncture works by using therapeutic effects of needling. The needles activate nerve fibers by the point of insertion. These stimuli then bring changes that help to balance nerve signaling and neurotransmitter activity from the “periphery” (ie.acupuncture point) of the central nervous system (ie. the brain and spinal cord) and autonomic system (ie. centers that govern processes like glandular activity, immune status, digestion, mood, and more). Acupuncture also helps release tension from the muscles and enveloping fibrous network called “fascia.”

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!